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Channukah 2020

We are the miracle

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Tu Bishvat 2021

Is Tu B'Shvat the Jewish Earth Day? What can the trees teach us about life, about our values, our relationships and ourselves?

Purim 2021

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We all want to live a life full of JOY. Purim is so full of joy that its celebration overflows into the entire month—from beginning to end. But why is the holiday of Purim so uniquely associated with the call to experience joy as opposed to any of the other holidays? What’s so joyful about the miracles of Purim when compared to the miracles of Passover for example? Those were pretty EPIC miracles! Shouldn’t our joy be the same—if not greater—during the month that Passover falls?


When we understand this, we can experience the greatest joy today and every day of our lives.

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Pesach 2021

Passover is the holiday of Jewish identity. Who am I… is answered with a story. But not just any story – a story of our ancestors, but also a story of which we are a part of. It’s a night we tell our children who they are. The greatest gift we can give our children is not money or possessions…but a story – a real story, one that connects them to us - that inspired a hundred generations of our ancestors and eventually transformed the world. 

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